
Monarch Butterflies Links

Use the Links below to complete the Monarch Butterflies WebQuest

Part 1:  What are Monarch butterflies?

Magnificent Monarchs

Part 2:   Life cycle of monarch butterflies.

Video:  egg to butterfly

Life cycle description and pictures (US Department of Forestry)

Part 3:  Monarch migration

Monarch Butterfly Migration: Google Earth Tour (video)

The Monarch Butterfly Migration (animated map)

The Monarch Butterfly Annual Cycle (diagram) 

Monarch sightings (animated map)

“The Ultimate Relay Race”  (article from the National Aquarium)

Part 4: Monarchs in Danger!

CityLab news report about Monarch decline noted in 2013

NPR 9/7/15:  “To save monarch butterflies, gardeners plant more milkweed.”

DNews – Monarchs endangered

US collaboration with Canada and Mexico to protect Monarchs

Part 5:  What people can do

Plant a butterfly garden

Become a Monarch Tracker

Monarchs are in Trouble – You Can Help
(Scroll down to “Three simple steps we all can take”

US Fish and Wildlife Service:  Save the Monarch

Announcing New Steps to Promote Pollinator Health

Butterfly Garden Embraces National Strategy

Explore more

The Wild Center: All About Monarchs

Why do Monarchs need milkweed?