
Genetics Introduction

1.  Make sure you have submitted the open notebook quiz on Google Classroom
2.  Tape in pages 69&70 (Genetics Vocabulary Builder)
3.  Watch the video on Heredity HERE * The login is "henley" and the password is "hornet"  - make sure you are in the "Life Science" category and watching the "Heredity" video
4.  Pause the video when necessary to fill in the following definitions:

Gregor Mendel

5. Draw an illustration that relates to each vocabulary word in the appropriate box.

6.  We will complete the "History of Genetics" activity together
7.  While you wait you may work on your Quarter 2 Current Event!


Inventory of Traits Visual Guide


Tongue Roll
Cleft Chin
Widow's Peak
Left Thumb over Right
Iris Color:


Cancer Critical Thinking

1. Complete the WISE Cancer Interactive by logging in HERE.  Remember that it works best in Firefox.

2. Fill in the handouts as you go.

3. Submit your FINAL RECOMMENDATION in Google Classroom ( a brief paragraph with an explanation of which plant you would choose and why)


Survey Link...

...for Mrs. Guerrant's Survey Presentation HERE



Cell Processes: Mitosis, Photosynthesis, & Cellular Respiration

1.         On page 59, under your SHIPWRECKED activity, answer the following question:

     What’s Wrong with this picture? 

1.  Add pages 61-62: MITOSIS to your notebook
2.  Complete the Mitosis reading
3. Follow the directions on the Cut and Paste page to complete your Mitosis notes
3. Use the reading, this Mitosis Animation, and this Mitosis Interactive to help you practice and fill in notes (THIS site is helpful too)

** READING goes on the RIGHT
** NOTES go on the LEFT
** READING SUMMARY goes UNDER the reading on the RIGHT

4.  Complete the Mitosis Matching to show what each phase looks like in real life!


2. Complete the Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration reading
3.  Watch the Video that summarizes the two
4. Fill in the blanks for the Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Diagram (use the word bank on the board if you need help)
3.  Color your diagram

** READING goes on the RIGHT
**DIAGRAM goes on the LEFT

Finished early?  Watch the BrainPOP on Cellular Respiration, then the one on Photosynthesis. Explore the FYI section.  Write 5 facts you learn from the FYI section under your diagram for potential EXTRA CREDIT


Cell Processes: Cell Transport


1. Go to BrainPOP.com
2. Log in with the Henley login information: USERNAME: henleybrainpop PASSWORD: gohornets
3.  Search for "Passive Transport"
4.  Watch the "Passive Transport" video, then fill in your notes (you can watch multiple times)
***You either need to put headphones in, OR mute your computer and watch with Closed Captions

***IF BRAIN POP IS NOT WORKING use the following sites to complete your notes

Diffusion Site
Diffusion Animation 
Osmosis Site
Osmosis Animation


1. Read over the green "Shipwrecked" direction sheet
2. Follow the directions on the sheet to complete the lab - record your information on your "Shipwrecked" student sheet
3.  While you wait for your potato, watch the Sci-Guy video HERE and complete the activity on the back of your note page


Cell Parts & Their Function

On pages 49-50 in your notebook you'll be taking notes on the cell organelles and their functions.

The cell comparison chart will go on the LEFT
The Cell Parts & Their Function page will go on the RIGHT

You will match up the matching cards with the person sitting next to use, using the TEXTBOOK (starting on page 70) OR the POWERPOINT that is on BLACKBOARD (click HERE to go to that)

Once you have them matched, get a teacher to check your work

Copy your notes into the table on the RIGHT

Come up with your OWN trick to remember each organelle and fill in that column on the chart

UNDERNEATH the notes, illustrate 4 of your "tricks to to remember".

Complete the Cell Comparison on the LEFT

Want a cool example of a cell comparison?  Check this one out HERE

Finished Early? Go to Brainpop.com;  search "cells" and watch any cell video that interests you - take the QUIZ at the end to test yourself.


How to Use a Microscope

Today's activity will be completed in 3 parts.

PART 1: notes

Use the filled in chart below to help you complete the Microscope Notes activity on the RIGHT side of your notebook

Look through this; magnifies x10
Body Tube
Maintains proper distance
For carrying scope
Coarse Adjustment knob
Use when focusing under low power
Fine adjustment Knob
Small adjustments – only knob to use in high power
Revolving Nosepiece
Holds objective lenses
Objective Lenses
Magnifies: 4x, 10x, 40x
Stage Clips
Holds slide in place
Platform for slide
Controls amount of light
Projection Lens/Light
The source of light

PART 2: online practice

Go to PBS learning (link to site HERE); click "launch" and follow the directions.

PART 3: real practice

Use the "How to Use a Microscope" direction sheet to complete the LEFT side activity sheet


"New Forms of Life"

For those of you that wanted to finish watching the TEDTalk from our Quiz today, you can access the video HERE


The Origin of Life

Obviously spontaneous generation was a scientific theory that just didn't pan out.  Watch the video HERE to see our current theory on the Origin of Life.  Complete the fill in the blank note page in your notebook as you watch. 

To put the timeline of events in perspective for you, check out the visual below.  It is a clock (like the one in the classroom!) where the major earth events are charted in hours, minutes, and seconds.  So if ALL of Earth's history was 24 hours on a clock, the appearance of humans would have occurred within the last minute! 


Spontaneous Generation

Click on the link below to open the PowerPoint on Spontaneous Generation.  Listen to the reading aloud, or read to yourself.  There are additional pictures and video shorts to help you understand the theory as well.


Follow the directions on the last slide to complete the RIGHT side activity for Spontaneous Generation.  Have Mrs. Forester check your cards BEFORE copying notes in your notebook.

On the LEFT side, complete a left side activity of your choice to reinforce Spontaneous Generation (use page 1 in your notebook to help you).


Monarch Butterflies Links

Use the Links below to complete the Monarch Butterflies WebQuest

Part 1:  What are Monarch butterflies?

Magnificent Monarchs

Part 2:   Life cycle of monarch butterflies.

Video:  egg to butterfly

Life cycle description and pictures (US Department of Forestry)

Part 3:  Monarch migration

Monarch Butterfly Migration: Google Earth Tour (video)

The Monarch Butterfly Migration (animated map)

The Monarch Butterfly Annual Cycle (diagram) 

Monarch sightings (animated map)

“The Ultimate Relay Race”  (article from the National Aquarium)

Part 4: Monarchs in Danger!

CityLab news report about Monarch decline noted in 2013

NPR 9/7/15:  “To save monarch butterflies, gardeners plant more milkweed.”

DNews – Monarchs endangered

US collaboration with Canada and Mexico to protect Monarchs

Part 5:  What people can do

Plant a butterfly garden

Become a Monarch Tracker

Monarchs are in Trouble – You Can Help
(Scroll down to “Three simple steps we all can take”

US Fish and Wildlife Service:  Save the Monarch

Announcing New Steps to Promote Pollinator Health

Butterfly Garden Embraces National Strategy

Explore more

The Wild Center: All About Monarchs

Why do Monarchs need milkweed?